Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Chapter 1.17: In Which Everyone is Miserable and There's a Prom

Hello everyone! Yes, it's been a while. Yes, I feel badly about that. Yes, if Sauda could escape the computer she would probably pummel me over the head lots of times for leaving her and her family for so long. But I'm back to share the crazy lives of Sauda, Donny, and their offspring who are no doubt doomed to be various levels of nutty. In my last update way too many months ago, children became teens, toddlers were neglected, Sauda remained insane, and everyone still hated Barbara for no reason.

I take us back to the setting of the randomness: the disaster zone of a house that Sauda and her family live in. Note Vlad's expression of true despair and horror as he eats his pathetic frozen dinner. Note the spoiled AND burnt waffles. Note the random water pooling on the floor. This could be a scene straight out of a post-apocalyptic world, albeit a very pink post-apocalyptic world.

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The despair continues. Poor Barbara looks absolutely devastated to be returning home.

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Even little Osamu, who should be too young and too cute to be weighed down by the miseries of life, seems oddly apathetic in his bright pink walker.

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Meanwhile, Sauda's gotten promoted to something or another, because apparently the police in Lucky Palms prize craziness in their employees.

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It's prom time, so the Random teens get a quick break from their soulless pink home. Doesn't Vlad look dashing? ;)

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Barbara doesn't even seem that happy to get away. Maybe everyone hates her at school too. Now, that's a sad thought! Well, at least she'll fit right in when she goes to University. Planning on rolling the avant-garde trait next, Barbara?

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What madness is this? At the prom Vlad actually met... a girl? Her name is Aurora Moon (cool name: check), she didn't wear formalwear to a formal dance (a rebel: check), and her and Vlad are now romantic interests (possibility for a third generation: CHECK). I'm a fan of these proms! Getting my teens to date without me needing to do any of the hard work!

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Poor Barbara didn't meet anyone, so she drowns her sorrows in gross burnt waffles while her dad and brother look at her pityingly.

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I guess Vlad didn't meet Aurora till after the pictures were taken, but at least he makes the most of his singleness in this shot.

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Barbara on the other hand looks like she's trying to pose with an invisible date.

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But we haven't seen enough of a certain someone yet...

Sauda: RAGE!

Oh yes, this wouldn't be any kind of chapter without a mad Sauda. And what's driven her up the wall this time?

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Sauda: She's sitting there so nicely, playing with her toys! What's wrong with her???

Donny's face says it all.

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The next day after work, Sauda goes around town to intimidate the populace and remind everyone who the neighborhood crazy is. And look who she spots... none other than Donny's ex-girlfriend and resident purple would-be-a-fairy-if-Supernatural-had-been-installed-when-this-screenshot-was-taken woman. (Wow, that was a mouthful.)

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You know it's bad news when she looks so calm. Sauda is never actually calm.

Sauda: Alert alert. Fairy has been located. Alert.

Sauda is so shocked by the discovery of an actual almost-fairy that she stands there in shock until her new fairy-bestie just walks away. I guess Sauda never decided what she'd actually do upon locating a real fairy.

You just wait, Sauda. The Supernatural EP has been purchased, the fairies have begun to move in. Before you die, you WILL meet a true fairy, with wings and all. Who else is excited?? :)

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Speaking of new EPs, everyone welcome the newest nuttiness to hit the Random house: none other than the university mascot! Because there aren't enough weirdly dressed, obnoxious people living there already!

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The Random teens ignore the mascot. I suppose growing up in that house has made them absurdly good at paying no mind to odd behavior.

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Case in point.

You know, Vlad, you're supposed to roll down the front to pull the toddler out, not actually get inside the crib yourself.

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Barbara does a better job at properly interacting with her little sister. Aww, it's actually pretty sweet! Now, that's not something I find myself saying a lot in this household...

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And now, to leave you sated until the next update, here's Sauda in her favorite exercise wear, giving all of you fair readers her glare of death.

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Sorry that this took forever, guys! I hope that you can forgive me! I'm hoping for MUCH more regular updates from now on. I'd like to hit the second generation heir vote sometime in this century, after all :)

Will Vlad have further romantic success? Will Barbara stop being everyone's target for ridicule? Will anyone at all be happy? Check in next time for some/all/none of the answers! :)

1 comment:

  1. It's good to see Sandra and her craziness again. I missed her. Don't you do this again :p I like Aurora, she's very pretty. It's nice to see Alayna again too. She has 2 adorable granddaughters in Borage's story now. I can't wait til Sandra meets a fairy at last. hehehe
