Saturday, January 26, 2013

Chapter 1.14: Bad, Bad Parents

Hey guys! Welcome back to the craziness that is the Random household. Last chapter, Sauda finally achieved her wish of getting married, and her and the new hubby really, really couldn't keep their hands off of each other... resulting in Sauda becoming pregnant! Vlad and Barbara both became children, and for some reason nobody in the game likes Barbara very much, poor kid.

Okay, maybe that's a lie, she actually gets along pretty well with Donnovan. He's possibly the only sim in the house who really talks to her.


Meanwhile, the resident ghost is making use of the currently unoccupied crib. Well, I guess someone has to use it while we wait for the new baby to arrive...


Vlad had a wish to see a ghost, so I conveniently send him out to stare at Sammi.


Vlad: I feel suddenly inspired by the paranormal.

That's right, immediately after looking at the ghost Vlad rolls the lifetime wish to become a Creature Robot Cross-Breeder. It would be more fitting if he rolled the Ghost Hunter LTW, but oh well.


You know, this ghost is quickly becoming the most productive member of the family. Inspiring Vlad, doing the dishes- she's more of a mother than Sauda is!


Sauda: I don't like that ghost. I think she's an agent of the fairies. No other ghost would do chores. She's trying to lull us into a false sense of security, but I will not be lulled! NEVER!

Over-dramatic much?


Poor Delilah Dreamer is a teen and still sporting the alien baldness.


Okay, I couldn't help it! I gave her hair. I just felt too bad not to.


Isn't Barbara's everyday wear cute? I don't know why people irrationally dislike her, she's a cute little kid.


Bus driver fail! Where'd he learn how to drive? If there was such a thing as car accidents in this game, I would be worried!


The kids are off to school together for the very first time :)


Now that the kids are gone and Sauda is on maternity leave, it's time to take advantage of the time to herself and relax in the hot tub :)


Sauda: MY FOOT!


But that means Donny is inside all by himself, and apparently setting the house on fire!

Donnovan: I'm huuungry!

That is the very least of our problems. Much bigger on the list is the fact that we didn't put up a smoke detector and I'm not allowed to make anyone call the emergency number...


Donnovan: I'm hungry aaaand scared!

Yes, you should be freaking out now, because you are in such trouble if no one puts this out!


Sauda: It's a fire, yaaay!

They're doomed, doomed! Sauda is going to stand there laughing as the house burns down!


Sauda: That was fun! Now I'll see what happens when I put water on it!


Why is Sauda strangely practical in emergencies? First the burglar, now this. And she doesn't even have the brave trait!


Crisis averted. Well done, Sauda! Though as usual insurance is not enough to pay for all the damage. But hey, considering that no one died and my insane sim proved herself to not be totally crazy, it's not all bad.


Donny: My wife is so attractive when she's putting out fires!

Oh no, no more awkward PDA. We got enough of that last chapter, thanks very much!


Well, it's back to the hot tub, I guess. At least the kids aren't home this time.


Barbara is a model student just like her brother. Even with another kid, Sofia Orsini, over, they all get straight to homework!


But of course the crazy parents are going to ruin that. They autonomously head to the bed to woohoo. Run, Vlad, run! Leave the homework behind if you have to, you don't want to witness this!


Sauda actually looks excited for the new baby. Hopefully she won't neglect this one like Barbara.


Sauda heads to the spa for a massage. Just as she's leaving, she goes into labor.


Luckily, practical Sauda just walks herself over to the hospital.


And comes out holding a little boy with the easily impressed and grumpy traits. I've never thought of those two as going together, but everything in the Random house is a contradiction, so why not that too.


And this little guy's name will be... Osamu! Strangely fitting for this family.


And surprise! Looks like Sauda's fertility treatment is still working, because she had twins, again. It's another girl, this time with the artistic and virtuoso traits. Well, those two actually go together well!


This girl's name will be... Senga!


At home, Sauda looks a bit angry.

Sauda: More twins! Why'd you do this to me, Donny?

Donny: Not my fault...

Heehee, gotta love the fertility treatment reward ;)


Ohh, glitches. I title this piece of art "The Amazing Floating Babies."


Clever move, children. It's best to do the homework outside until Sauda and Donny get over the honeymoon phase.


And proven right not two seconds later by the couple. I hope they at least put the babies in the cribs.


Oh nooo, bad parents, bad parents!!

Poor Senga!


This is when I use Donny's reward points to replace his Heartbreaker LTW with the Renaissance Sim LTW. If Donny is going to woohoo with Sauda 24/7 and has four kids with her then he should give up all delusions of dating other women.

Sure, he may not reach Level 10 in 3 skills before he dies, but at least that's a better goal to strive to than dating 10 women. And one Sauda is much less likely to kill him over.


Gotta love the townies! This is what happens when I create sims with odd genetics and they have kids together :)

Hey, this kid could be a potential spouse for Barbara one day!


Sauda is eyeing her coworker, Yuna. Ever since Taj's unfortunate death, Sauda hasn't had a great relationship with her new partner, and since Sauda really needs to reach her LTW, that needs to change today.

Did I mention Taj died? Well, he did, it was sad. Sauda didn't really mourn, but she's been so wrapped up in the hubby that even death can't permeate their personal bubble of attraction.


Sauda's getting really into the handcuff discussion. I really hope she's just talking about work...


Strange townie child is playing with Barbara. See, spouse potential!!


Well, whatever Sauda said, it was successful. The two of them are now friends. I'll finish this update with the inspiring example of the fact that despite her insanity Sauda actually has the ability to make friends without accusing them of being fairy-lovers. When she wants to.


Next time, will Sauda and Donny continue traumatizing their children? How will Osamu and Senga age up? All shall be revealed!

Thank you for reading! Please comment here or on the forums thread to let me know what you think, I love to hear back from you guys :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Chapter 1.13: Birthdays and Overwhelmingly Awkward Parents

Hey everyone! Two chapters in one day?? I know, crazy!! :)

Last chapter, despite the bachelorette being over (and a complete, epic fail of a party) the guests refused to leave! They proceeded to settle in at the house and drive both Sauda and Donnovan nuts. By getting the house crashers to leave, Donnovan began to repair his relationship with Sauda. Now that the family is alone again at last, what will happen?

First of all, it's time for a birthday! Due to weird glitching, even though Vlad and Barbara were born as twins Vlad is actually two days older. We could just say Sauda went through a really, really long labor.

Vlad ages up into what might be the most creepy child wear I've ever seen. Underwear and a muscle shirt is NOT an attractive look for anyone.


Okay, that's a whole lot better! I don't think I ever mentioned Vlad's traits, so I'll tell you guys now. He was born brave and clumsy, and he just gained the never nude trait. A nice, well adjusted child, right? You'd think someone brave would be more likely to not fear being naked, but it's not like anything in this family is ever logical...


Oh, and look who's having a birthday also! Donny here is a little older than Sauda, so he gets to become an elder first. And he looks pretty excited about it.


That excitement didn't last long.

Donnovan: My back aches! And I look old and wrinkly and like a twig!

That's because EA hates all old people so they make them look terrible no matter how attractive they may have been before.


Donnovan: And now none of the ladies will want me!

Good, now he can't go out and cheat on Sauda! It's not like Sauda will care, anyway. As long as he hasn't sprouted fairy wings she's not too bothered with how he looks.


Sauda being an actual mother and reading a bedtime story? No way!

But notice she's still favoring Vlad!


Example #2743783 of Sauda's favoritism: poor neglected Barbara crying in her crib.


Look who's making an appearance! It's ghost Sammi, who was unfortunate enough to die at Sauda's bachelorette party and now resides forever at the Random home.


Donnovan: Ghost! Ghost!

Lovely, now every night she's going to haunt their tiny house and all the sims will freak out and run away. Because we really need more craziness and chaos.


Vlad wakes up at the crack of dawn to man the brand new lemonade stand, waiting for people to give psychiatric help to. Sauda could use some of that, if you ask me!

Too bad no one else is awake at 6 am. Sorry, buddy!


How could anyone resist this face? How? I would totally want Vlad to give me advice!


Donnovan: Hey, I'm in my pajamas and you're in your weird clown outfit. We both have wishes to get married to each other. Let's have a private ceremony now.

Sauda: Okay, let's go!


I don't understand these sims, I just don't. It's like they weren't just arguing about their relationship yesterday. Maybe Donnovan's birthday reminded them of their mortality and their love for each other.

Or maybe they're just insane.


Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Random! It may have taken 13 chapters, but my founder is finally married :)


And they head straight to the bed!


After that, Sauda and Donnovan are a lot more content. Sauda even does some painting in her bathing suit.


Like mother, like son. Well, minus the being in a bathing suit part. Even though he doesn't have the artistic trait Vlad has taken up painting too.


Vlad is proud of his first ever finished painting. It is cute, even though I'm not quite sure what it is. It looks like a combo between an animal and a flower.


Now that Sauda and Donnovan are married, they're kind of all over each other, all the time. Even in the nursery.

What's that Donnovan is whispering to Sauda?


Sauda: Not here, Donny! Not right in front of Barbara!

Oh dear God, I don't think I want to know what he was whispering any more...


Once they're out of the nursery it starts up again. The constant parent PDA is bad news in a small house where you can't get anywhere without going through their bedroom first.


Barbara: Waaaahhhh! I hungry! I tired!

Vlad: What can I do? I'm not coded to pick her up!

See, this is what happens when Donnovan and Sauda get too wrapped up in each other and neglect their children.


Sauda works out a bit to get in shape for work.


Donnovan and Vlad get to know each other. Though why they choose to do this in the bathroom, right next to the disgusting toilet, I have no clue.


I hope Barbara's not stuck in there! It's not like anyone really pays much attention to her.


Looks like the exercise has brought up Sauda's dinner.

Sauda: Blaaarrrggghhhh!

You know, I think the toilet is actually so gross that Sauda didn't want to throw up in it. That has to be an all time hygienic low for the house.


It's Vlad's first ever day of school.


Vlad: Freedom!

I can't blame the kid, I wouldn't want to be cooped up in the Random house either.


After school, Vlad goes home with Carlos Sparks, Haidee's son. Yes, Haidee the house crasher from the last two chapters. Well good, it's time one of the Randoms got to return the favor and stay at HER house!


Sauda: OMG, I'm married!


Sauda: And I'm pregnant!

Well, raise your hand if you saw that one coming. With the way Sauda and Donny have been woohooing, it was only a matter of time. Sauda is only around 4 days from elderhood so they cut this one very, very close, but there will be another baby for this generation of the Randoms!


Such good boys, they go straight home and do their homework! I love it! Especially since I can't exactly force Vlad to do his work and I have absolutely no faith in Sauda's parenting abilities.


Later on, he goes to chat with Haidee.

Vlad: Hey, weren't you living in my house a few days ago?

And why, I ask! WHY? Look at this place. Haidee's home is practically luxury accommodations compared to the Random home! Who would ever want to live at Sauda's place instead of this one?


The couple is at it again. Donnovan isn't even letting the broken dishwasher bother him.

Barbara, run! Get to the safety of another room before you're scarred for life!



Well, they're certainly not letting the pregnancy get in the way of their honeymoon activities.


While her parents go at it, Barbara celebrates a birthday alone.


Though the clothes she aged into weren't at the Vlad level of hideousness, I changed around her look a bit to match her traits. Barbara was born with the artistic and loves the outdoors traits (a nice combination of her parents) and this birthday she gains the unlucky trait. Not too surprising considering how Vlad is blatantly favored and Barbara always seems to be neglected.

I think she looks pretty cute though :)


I hope everyone has enjoyed this update! Next chapter, we'll see how Vlad and Barbara deal with being kids, what happens with Sauda's new pregnancy, as well as all kinds of other nutty things. Will Sauda and Donnovan continue to act like lovestruck newlyweds? What other chaos will ensue in the house? Will Vlad and Barbara actually be able to make friends or are the Randoms just too strange for everyone else?

As always, I love to hear from my readers, either here or on the sims 3 forum. Here's the link for my thread there:

Thanks for reading :)