About the Random Wishacy

Hey guys! Welcome to a Random Wishacy, my new Wishacy!

If you're looking for the thread on the Sims 3 forums where you can comment on/discuss my wishacy, please go here: http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/0/574726.page#9249731

It's been ages since I've worked on a story, but I recently hosted a contest which reminded me just how much I love documenting my sims' crazy and random lives for anyone who cares to read about them.

This is a Wishacy, a type of legacy that involves letting your sims have free will and following your sims' wishes. I'm a pretty busy person, so in order to keep this manageable for me it won't have much of a plot but will be light-hearted, fun, and good for you if you're in the mood for a laugh (or to pity me for having such out of control sims). If you're curious about the main Wishacy rules (created by the awesome buckeygirl80), see this thread: http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/265015.page

Here are my own special additions to the rules:

-The founder will have the last name Random
-In the spirit of the name, all traits will be randomized, including the founder's!
-All children born in the family, as well as the founder, will have their names picked using the random name generator at this site: http://www.behindthename.com/random/ (Get ready for some oh-so-fun names, as no matter what I have to go with the generated name)
-All heirs/heiresses will be chosen by the public (aka you guys) through an heir vote on this website
-This challenge will have ten generations (like a regular legacy challenge) instead of the traditional seven generations that are in the Wishacy rules

I hope everyone enjoys this story! Give it a try, you just may find yourself getting attached to my silly, funny sims, just the way I always seem to in spite of myself. And as many of you know, sims + free will = general craziness.