Monday, March 18, 2013

Chapter 1.15: Barbara Makes a Friend

Hey everyone! It's time for another look into the Random household. Last update, Sauda and Donnovan continued the woohoo-fest, successfully preventing their kids from doing their homework, and officially winning bad parents of the year award. Sauda gave birth to another set of twins, Senga and Osamu, who, judging by their brief time at home, will be just as sorely mistreated.

Because I know we're all sick of watching Sauda and Donny play the "When and where can we woohoo to cause our children as much psychological damage as possible?" game, let's instead take a lot at the older set of twins.

Barbara is getting into painting, which makes sense, considering her artistic trait. She's quite a bit more advanced than Vlad was with his animal/plant combo thingy.


Vlad is having fun pretending to be a prince. He just looks too cute in the little outfit :)

Did I mention I love the Generations EP for giving my simmie kids more cute things to do?


In the nursery again? For real, guys?


Vlad rules over the kitchen table. Well, if you can call it that, as the kitchen is also a dining room, living room, and bedroom all in one. Let's just say he rules over the table.


I love Sauda so much right now for humoring Vlad instead of shooting him down or yelling that no one will be her ruler or something crazy like that. You never know with her.

Then again, Vlad is the favorite child. I don't want to know what would happen if Barbara tried this.


Oh look, it's elder Darren in the doorway. And he's for a party... this may not bode well.

Sauda rolled the wish to have a birthday party for Senga, after basically neglecting her the whole time that she has been a baby. Maybe it's her way of trying to make it up to her for all the time she spent on the floor during that woohoo session?

Given this house's track record with parties, this may not turn out so well...


Wow, it's Endora Kravitz, the mother of the unfortunate sim, Sammi Claremont, who died at the bachelorette party and now haunts the house. Endora has to be the oldest sim, ever. I have the options set to a normal life span of about 90 days, yet Endora is approximately 115!

She's also a party crasher, as I'm pretty sure she was not invited. Or maybe she's coming to visit her ghostly daughter.

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Jake is back for another party. Hopefully this time he won't overstay his welcome!

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Well, at least Vlad has some kids his own age here to hang out with. Though the whole ruling over the table thing may be freaking them out a bit...

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I guess you're never too old to play with dolls!

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It's birthday time for Senga!

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Good, get into the spirit, Barbara!

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Wow, what a wild party! Look at everyone just standing there. At least one townie is having fun blowing the noisemaker.

Sauda: I'm bored. Time to sleep.

Once again, failing as a hostess.

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Senga is a cute toddler!

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Seems like she takes after Donny quite a bit.

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Sahan Diwan, Taj's son, is laughing at Barbara.

Barbara: What did I do this time??

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Party giving you a headache, Darren? Me too! But at least nothing especially tragic or crazy has happened yet.

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Senga doesn't seem to mind the craziness around her!

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Uh oh, I think I spoke too soon about nothing tragic happening. Poor, elderly Endora seems to be expiring before our very eyes, in the same house as her daughter, also at a party...

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She planned this, I swear she did! An elaborate plan to infest this house with ghosts!

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The guests are suitably shocked.

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Random townie: *sob*

Sauda: What, you've never had someone die at your party? This happens to me like every day. Grim and I are practically besties! Get over it already!

Reason #2837327237 why Sauda is not a normal sim.

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Random townie: This is a great party!! Woo!

I don't know what standards she's going by...

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Grimmy: I am back in this hovel again? I swear, I have never seen such a tasteless home before. Could people please refrain from dying here?

You know it's bad when the Grim Reaper insults your taste in decor.

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Darren: Hahaha, look at Barbara!!

Barbara: WHY ME????

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But wait, not everyone hates Barbara. Her and Grimmy get along!!

You know, a connection with Grimmy is not a bad thing. They'll all be sorry they laughed at her when she gets Grimmy to reap their souls a little earlier than he planned... ;)

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Grimmy: Oww, you hit hard!

She's not afraid to pummel Grimmy either! Go Barbara!

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Sahan: BOOO!

Oh, give it a rest, Sahan. You're just jealous of Barbara and Grimmy's special relationship.

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See, look at how they make silly faces at each other. Friends for life, right here!

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I guess Sahan feels bad about his rudeness (or realized that with one word from Barbara, he could be Grim's next target) so he reads her a bedtime story.

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Sahan: This was a great party!

All the townies are delusional.

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Mother and daughter, side by side. Well, at least they get to haunt the same house now.

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Aww, how sweet, Sahan!

You know, if things with Taj had worked out those could have been Sahan's siblings... weird thought.

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But wait, it's someone else's birthday too! Sahan, being the model party guest, is the only one there to celebrate.

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Sauda: I'm gonna be an elder, wooo...

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Sauda: ...Owww!

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Sauda: My back may ache, but I'm still pretty awesome, even if I'm all wrinkly now.

At least Sauda has self-confidence.

Also, everyone join me in cheering: the formalwear monstrosity is officially gone, for good! YAAAYYY!

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Their son is aging up while they talk about work. No big.

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Aww, look at cute like Osamu! He may not have gotten his own party, but he's pretty adorable :)

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Not sure where the hair came from, but it suits him.

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I'll leave you with this picture of the cuteness that is Osamu. Always best to leave off on a toddler pic, right? :)

Now that the kids are starting to grow up, what will happen? Will everyone continue to laugh at Barbara (or will her new BFF, Grimmy, return to hang out)? All will be revealed next time, assuming it doesn't take me a year to update again :)

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