Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Chapter 1.5: New People, Old Problems

Hey guys! I hope everyone's ready for more Sauda!

After returning from her not so relaxing vacation, Sauda proceeded to antagonize townies and be her generally crazy self. Will she ever manage to find a partner and have some cute sim babies? That remains to be seen. This wishacy may end pathetically early due to Sauda's failure to reproduce.

I'll start this chapter with a creeper shot I took of Darleen Dreamer around town. Yes, she did marry Darren, through no efforts of my own. Go story progression! But no, that child is not hers, it's actually her little brother, also a product of story progression.

Well, look at this. Sauda invited over her boss, Donnovan Steel! Shocking, I thought Sauda hated him for being a fairy lover.

Sauda: I've decided the best way to infiltrate the fairy organization is to get closer to their supporters. I am training to be a spy, after all!

Sauda: Soo, how are those fairies doing?

Oh yeah, that's subtle and spy-like of you.

Donnovan: *intense stare*

Okay, awkward.

What does asking his sign have to do with spying? I'm starting to get suspicious of Sauda's motives here.

Perhaps Sauda realizes she was getting a bit off topic, because then:

Sauda: Do you have plans to go to the news about the fairies? Well?? WELL? DO YOU???

Donnovan: Whaa?

Donnovan: Thumbs up?? AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!

Sauda: Oh yeah, that scared him right away. Fairy lover!

Once again, Sauda scares someone away with her craziness. This is getting to be a disturbing pattern. I think she needs a therapist. They need to make that a new career. Some sims need serious help.

Now Sauda and I get to have a little fun. Sauda has the opportunity where she has to meet three new people around town in order to seem like a good cop or whatever. Usually I have to wait for Sauda to decide to meet people, but now I can make her greet whoever I want, mwahahahaha!

Well, when she met Ezekiel last update that used up one person. Now she has two left!

Since I'm a professional stalker of sims, I immediately noticed Taj and his wife hanging out. Well, how could I resist this obvious dramatic moment? It was clear that Sauda simply needed to introduce herself to Taj's wife, Zahra.

Taj is looking a little flirty, but let's see how he feels when Sauda appears...

Sauda: I'm so much hotter than his wife!!

Well, this is giving Sauda some confidence, at least.

Sauda: Hello! I'm Sauda! Your husband is my partner- at work, I mean.

Well, this is off to a good start. Doesn't Taj just look thrilled? I mean, he may never have actually cheated with Sauda, but he did come awfully close, and he did ask her to watch the stars with him! I don't think he ever expected or wanted these two to meet.

Taj decides to diffuse the tension by playing his guitar.

Sauda's getting into the music.

It's sad really, she always gets this sappy look on her face when she's around him.

Well, after that anti-climactic encounter (in which there were no confessions of love, fights, or even slight raising of voices) Sauda has one person left to meet. And because I felt like it, I send her over to meet Darren Dreamer.

Apparently all they have to talk about is books. I sense these two will never be great friends. Oh well, he's married anyway, and as much as Sauda can be a marriage breaker it would be a little sad if she ruined his and Darleen's marriage.

Sauda: So, Taj... wanna hang out?

You know, Sauda is stuck in a bad situation. She keeps trying to make things with Taj work, but he isn't leaving his family. If this were real life, I would tell Sauda to snap out of it and find someone who's actually available! Since she's a sim, all I can do is hope she'll manage to have a child, somehow.

Taj agrees to meet up with her and they have a rousing chat about being on the police force.

Sauda goes to make Taj a drink, probably trying to lessen his inhibitions. Hey, go for it, and make sure to Try For Baby, not regular Woohoo!! (Just kidding... kind of.)

Well, they don't exactly head to a bedroom, but they do have a nice time dancing and chatting.

Sauda's trying a bit hard. It's almost like she's asking him to look down her atrocious outfit. Naturally, Taj is being a gentleman and not staring at her cleavage.

After dancing up an appetite, they head over to the diner for some dinner. Sauda has an insane sim attack and starts trying to choke herself. Typical behavior.

Taj is only mildly shocked. Most sims think Sauda is completely nuts. I guess after all this time he's used to her eccentricities.

Then Sauda receives a call. She should just leave it alone to focus on her date, but instead she answers and starts chatting with Elliot from France, of all people! When did she even give him her number?

Sauda: How's that Eiffel tower doing?

Clearly they have a lot to catch up on.

Okay, I'll admit this creeps me out. While Sauda is chatting away about tea, or something, Taj goes up close to her to... smell her hair??

The date ends relatively uneventfully. I think Sauda killed the mood a bit by spending so long talking with Elliot. Afterwards, she decides for a nice nighttime trip to the bookstore. Why not?

It's quite the crowd hanging out outside the bookstore tonight. There's the strangely dressed sim behind the counter making a drink. Hopefully not for the little boy sitting there. I mean, I don't think sims have a drinking age, but all the same, it's just not right!

Sauda has some fun making faces with yet another little boy. Seriously, why are all the kids hanging out in the middle of the night? When the sim children in my active families try to do that they get grounded by their sim parents!

The fun sours when Sauda and the child have a disagreement over Sauda's lifestyle choices.

Sauda: How dare you say my clothes make me look like a "stupid face poopy head???"

Child: Well, you do!

And look who's also hanging out tonight! None other than Donnovan Steel.

Donnovan tries to get in on Sauda's conversation. Sauda isn't having any of it.

No, Sauda's too busy having a conversation with the man I call Aging Hipster. Because he looked like a hipster before he became an elder, and now he looks like a combo hipster/mad scientist.

Aging Hispter is enraged that Sauda is not fascinated by his talk. Well, Sauda is definitely brave, she certainly doesn't mind flaunting her boredom.

Another example of an adult making drinks for a child! Fail! Clearly Lucky Palms is a wonky town.

(By the way, this sim is Princess Cadence by skdluzak. I love to include cc free sims made by people following my legacy, so if you have any sims you want to see around town, who may potentially even marry into the family, then just give me a link here or on the forums thread.)

Donnovan goes to chat with Princess because Sauda so rudely ignored him.

Um, whoa, that's an intense stare on the part of this man. Who's also the town player, by the way. Mostly I think of him as a Don Lothario lookalike though.

And I'll leave you with this picture of... ELDER TAJ!! Oh no! That's right, Taj has had his elder birthday, and time is running out for Sauda if she wants to get with him.

Is Taj really the one for Sauda? Or is there someone else around who will consent to give her babies and make me the happiest sim player ever? This remains to be seen, but I hope you enjoyed seeing Sauda and more of the town too!

Thanks so, so much for reading! I would love if you commented here, or on my forum thread, here: I always like hearing feedback, or just chatting with you guys :)

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